\n The FLEPRU conference is a Florida based training conference made up of statewide law enforcement as well as retailers and industry \n professionals from around the nation. The conference includes specialized training Sessions primarily focused around property crimes, \n trends, investigative tactics, and legislative topics. These sessions are hosted by speakers who are experts in their field or industry \n professionals both locally and from around the nation. The conference will also include a Vendor Business Center and Retail Fusion \n Center to support networking opportunities as well as give you the ability to share or view cutting edge products that can help \n your business or agency.\n
\n\n Attendee conference fee: $199
\n Fee waived for immediate supervisor with two (2) paid attendees\n
This year's conference will be November 8 - 10, 2022.
\n\n Rosen Plaza Hotel
\n 9700 International Drive
\n Orlando, FL 32819\n
\n \n
\n\n \n
\nCheck out this article that highlights previous conferences.
\n The annual FLEPRU Training is the largest public/private event of it's kind in the state of Florida and one of the fastest growing \n conferences in the country.\n
\n\n Retail Fusion Center fee of $1000 Includes:\n
\n\n If you would like to register for this event, follow the link below:\n
\n\n \n
\n\n For questions or inquiries, you can email: Registration@flepru.org\n
\n\n For more information on this unique training event and the Retail Fusion Center, contact:\n
\n\n Patrick Fairley
\n (954) 495-7539
\n Patrick_Fairley@homedepot.com\n
\n Terry Mullen
\n (786) 412-7687
\n Terrence.Mullen@cvshealth.com\n
FLEPRU received the “Exemplary State and Local Award” which is awarded nationally and presented by Rutgers University. The award is based on innovation and achievement.
\n\n FLEPRU joins with many companies and organizations to address complex, investigative challenges that our members face. Our partners \n contribute more than money. Their ideas, volunteer power, support and more are helping to shape the way we investigate crimes \n within the State of Florida.\n
\nBWI combats community crime with data. Specifically, it harvests and analyses transactional data resulting from the pawning of sale of used goods as a means of identifying criminal activities, treans and linkages, empowering law enforcement and business in the protection of communities they serve.
\nIn many police departments, the current reporting systems are antiquated, unmanageable, and largely unable to accomodate the \n growing influx of reported transactions. As a result, the officers mandated to investigate this data are overwhelmed. Simultaneously, \n due to budget constraints and cuts, police agencies are burdened with managing this data set with already overextended resources, and as \n such, are constantly searching for ways to be more effecient and effective. RAPID directly addresses police officer's need for \n improved accuracy, quantity, relevancy and timeliness of transaction information related to pawn, scrap metal and precious metal \n transactions.\n
\n\n We deliver superior customer experiences through our products and our actions. Everything we do we build on \n a strong network, systems and process foundation. The quality and reliability of the products we deliver are \n paramount. Customers pay us to provide them with services that they can rely on.\n
\nMacy's is an American department store chain founded in 1858 by Rowland Hussey Macy. It became a division of the Cincinnati-based Federated Department Stores in 1994, through which it is affiliated with the Bloomingdale's department store chain.
\n\n Auror is a software platform that makes it easy for retailers to prevent theft, share intel and crime reports \n directly with police, and create safer, more profitable sites for customers and teams.\n
\n\n The Zellman Group is the premiere comprehensive loss prevention solution, providing services such as Civil Recovery, ORC Recovery, \n Data Analytics, and OSINT, ORC Recovery, and more. Our managed solutions are customizable to companies of any size or industry. \n Our team of experts has decades of experience in the retail, food service, and hospitality industries, and we come from diverse \n professional backgrounds including loss prevention, legal, operations, and e-commerce.\n
\n\n The Coalition of Law Enforcement and Retail (CLEAR) is a non-profit, non-partisan national association founded in November 2008 \n by a group of Law Enforcement and Retail Loss Prevention professionals that saw the need for the formation of a partnership. \n The Coalition provides a forum for public and private sector members, with experience in a wide variety of public safety initiatives, \n to aid and support the establishment of collaborative efforts that are focused on improving the safety of our communities and \n advancing the profession of its membership.\n
\nLETTR's mission statement is \"To assist public safety entities by developing low cost, user-defined software systems, applications and training programs to facilitate collaboration between Law Enforcement personnel across and within agencies.
\n\n Inpixon's comprehensive Indoor Intelligence platform provides organizations with the tools to ingest, and integrate data with indoor \n maps. With a range of dynamic, scalable solutions encompassing indoor mapping, analytics, security and indoor positioning, our \n technology empowers you to create impactful tailored solutions across your organization. Start harnessing the power of your indoor \n data today with Inpixon.\n
\nOur culture of continuous technical innovation and process improvement ensures our clients are always provided with state-of-the-art voice stress analysis instrumentation, the best training available worldwide, and unparalleled customer/technical support. Our services and support are provided by a US-based, full-time team of professionals from our headquarters in South Florida.
\nReadyOp provides an innovative platform for clearly defined tasks and contact structures to ensure orderly and efficient dissemniation of information. Easily locate, assign tasks and communicate with individuals and groups in a single agency or multiple organizations. All through an easy to use visual dashboard display.
\nThose who serve, protrect and care for our communities observe a reward for their selflessness and hard work. \n The Heroes First Team at Churchill Mortgage is proud to give back to these everyday heroes by providing specialty \n mortgage financing to minimize their cost when buying or refinancing a home.\n
\nSecuritas is the most locally-focused security company in the country. As an industry leading security provider, Securitas \n focuses on ways to continuously improve our operational structure, the knowledge of our employees and the processes surrounding \n service delivery.\n
\nSince 2012 Vetted has been partnering with industry leading manufacturers to bring you turn-key solutions and the highest focus on customer support. Our products include the most comprehensive, advanced suite of license plate recognition (LPR), facial recognition, analytics, commercial data, and mobile surveillance solutions available to improve safety for officers and communities.
\n\n Based in Largo, Florida, American High-Tech Transcription & Reporting, Inc. is a transcription and translation agency. \n As a certified, woman-owned small business, we provide accurate, secure services for government agencies and companies \n worldwide. We work with national and international companies, although all translastion and transcription services are \n performed in the United States. Our company has been operating in Pinellas County, Florida since 1994. Prior to that, \n we operated as Segal Reporting Service.\n
\nWe are a full service corporate investigative agency. We specialize in intellectual property cases as well as General Investigations. What sets us apart from other agencies is our experience and dedication to excel in the accomplishments of our work. We have full time college educated licensed investigators in our offices. We use high tech state of the art equipment to successfully complete all of our cases.
\n\n SaferWatch is a web and mobile based security system that was built to provide a higher level of safety for individuals and \n enhance security for organizations including schools, corporations, public venues, neighborhoods and communities. SaferWatch \n empowers users to report an incident as they see it happening or submit a tip at a later time. SaferWatch provides real-time \n two-way communication during emergency and non-emergency situations.\n
\n\n Skim Reaper specifically targets overlay and deep-insert skimmers, quickly letting you know if the terminal has a skimmer. \n It was designed with award-winning academic research, including a comprehensive breakdown of real skimmers. We have shipped \n prototype devices around the United States and these have successfully identified skimming devices in the field.\n
\n\n Cellebrite enables investigators to capture insights in today's complex, digital world. Our digital intelligence platform \n provides a complete and objective picture of evidence, empowering agencies and investigators to solve and close cases faster \n than ever.\n
\n\n GOST offers a full line of state-of-the-art wireless security, monitoring, satellite tracking, surveillance, acoustic deterrents and \n cloaking systems for any size vessel from tenders to ships. Our systems help protect against theft, fire, smoke, high water in the \n bilge, low voltage, loss of shore power and intrusion with contact sensors, motion detectors, infrared beam sensors, deck sensors, \n dock pull away sensors and many more.\n
\n\n After working with Municipal and Florida Retirement System members for several years, First Responders Financial realized that \n there were many questions and few ways to get the right answers, so First Responders Financial to provide resources. They can \n help you with your planning needs including Life Insurance, Long Term Care Insurance, Retirement Planning (Roth, Traditional \n and Rollover IRA's, Fixed and Variable Annuities and Managed Accounts), and understanding your Municipal and FRS benefits.\n
\n\n The mission of the Florida Deputy Sheriff's Association is to establish a network of knowledge, cohesiveness and security for \n law-enforcement officers, correction officers and employees of Florida Sheriffs and to promote professionalism.\n
\n\n The IAFCI, a non-profit international organization, will provide services and an environment within which information about \n Financial fraud, fraud investigation and fraud prevention methods can be collected, exchanged and taught for the common good \n of The financial payment industry and our global society.\n
\n\n We deliver superior customer experiences through our products and our actions. Everything we do we build on \n a strong network, systems and process foundation. The quality and reliability of the products we deliver are \n paramount. Customers pay us to provide them with services that they can rely on.\n
\nMacy's is an American department store chain founded in 1858 by Rowland Hussey Macy. It became a division of the Cincinnati-based Federated Department Stores in 1994, through which it is affiliated with the Bloomingdale's department store chain.
\nCVS Pharmacy is an American retail corporation Owned by CVS Health. It is headquartered in Woonsocket, Rhode Island. It is also known as, and originally named, the Consumer Value Store and was founded in Lowell, Massachusetts in 1963.
\nThe Home Depot, Inc. is the largest home improvement retailer in the United States, supplying tools, construction products, and services. The company is headquartered in incorporated Cobb County, Georgia.
\nFor us, value is a combination of brand, fashion, price, and quality. Unlike more traditional retailers, our retail chains generally don't engage in promotional pricing activity like sales, coupons, or other gimmicks - just exciting merchandise at amazing prices, every single day!
\nFirst opened in Roseville, Minnesota on May 1, 1962, Target is the 8th largest retailer in the United States. Today, the retail giant has just shy of 2000 stores nationwide.
\n\n Lowe's grew from one small-town hardware store in North Carolina to on of the largest home improvement retailers \n in the world. Then and now, we're committed to helping homeowners, renters and pros improve their homes and businesses.\n
\n\n American Eagle Outfitters (NYSE: AEO) is a leading global specialty retailer offering high-quality. on-trend clothing, \n accessories and personal care products at affordable prices under its American Eagle and Aerie brands. The company operates \n more than 1,000 stores in the United States, Canada, Mexico, and hong Kong, and ships to 81 countries worldwide through ins \n websites.\n
\n\n As the first truly modern media company, AT&T has been changing the way people live, work and play for the past 144 years. It \n started with Alexander Graham Bell's telephone. Since then, our legacy of innovation has included the invention of the transistor \n - the building block of today's digital world - as well as the solar cell, the communications satellite and machine learning.\n
\n\n Since 1982, our focus has been on bringing our customers a constant stream of high quality department and specialty store brands \n at extraordinary savings a.k.a. bargains, while providing an easy, fun and organized shopping experience. \n
\nThe law enforcement profession is continually changing and the mission of FLEPRU is to ensure we stay up to date with theses changes. I have been a member of FLEPRU and attending the annual conference for the last sixteen (16) years. The last ten years, I have served on the Board of Directors in various capacities, and as the President for the last four years. Early on, I decided that I did not want to be one of the many people that sit on the sidelines and only complain about laws and the negative changes occurring within our profession. I made it my priority to get involved and help bring about change, and FLEPRU was the mechanism by which I began to do so. FLEPRU has continued to thrive over the last three decades because the incredible Board of Directors and all the volunteers past and present share in this same philosophy.
\nOne of my guiding principles is I always try to make a difference within my current assignment, and always do my best to leave it better than it was before. Since becoming the President of FLEPRU, this has not been a hard task to accomplish because of the many great men and women that led this organization to what it has become today: the premier law enforcement conference within the State of Florida and the country. Year after year, FLEPRU ensures that our annual training conference addresses and instructs on the most current events, trends, and topics within our profession. Many of the successes I have achieved in my career are a direct result from interaction with the men and women of this organization, and the network of law enforcement professionals and retailers I have met over the years. I confidently look forward to the future of our professions, and I am eager to continue in assisting others within our profession through FLEPRU’s annual training conferences.
\nIn the last few years, the law enforcement community has been under the microscope and is being scrutinized for the actions and/or perceived actions of a few. These trying times should in no way change our moral compass of right and wrong the great work we do day in and day out. While the actions of a few in no way define us, it does offer us the opportunity to discuss change. I have seen quite a bit of change during my twenty-five (25) year career and have been able to adapt to these changes. With change we all can be somewhat resistant at times but looking back at many of the changes that have occurred over my career as a Detective or Detective Sergeant worked out for the better. I am confident that we as law enforcement professionals will overcome these recent events, because at the end of the day we are the last line of defense between good and evil.
\n\n Our world changed in early 2020 with the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic. Our profession requires us to be on the front lines 24/7 and that includes putting ourselves in harm’s way in order to fulfill or duty. While doing, so many in our profession lost their lives. For those who paid the ultimate sacrifice, you will never be forgotten and are forever in our prayers. Once again, when faced with adversity amid the pandemic, our profession stood up to this invisible threat and continued to work with courage and honor.\n
\n\n In addition to the trials of the pandemic, our country has been faced with a drastic increase in civil unrest which we are called upon to quell. The civil unrest and the COVID-19 pandemic will require us to change the ways in which we investigate and approach policing. The State of Florida took a bold step forward in addressing civil unrest, protecting law enforcement officers, and protecting the rights of those who engage in peaceful protests versus riots with the recent passing of the anti-rioting bill H.B. 1 which was signed into law by Governor DeSantis on April 19, 2021. During these ever-changing times, we live in we must never forget the importance of debate and differences in opinions these are the fundamentals principles that have shaped our democracy. We as a nation, state, and individuals all need to work on moving more towards the middle rather than continue moving further and further apart which only divides us further. Through FLEPRU, I am once again afforded the opportunity to work on best practices related to our professions.\n
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